Transfer to NS&I's Junior ISA

Our Junior ISA is an easy way to build up your savings tax-free.

If you would like to transfer to an NS&I Junior ISA, please read the summary box and brochure with the terms and conditions.

Junior ISA print friendly brochure

Junior ISA summary box

How to transfer a Child Trust Fund or another cash Junior ISA

Before you apply, please have the details of your Child Trust Fund provider to hand, including the reference number, or details of your existing Junior ISA provider to hand, including the account number.

When you apply, click Transfer in from another provider and follow the on-screen instructions. Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll contact your Child Trust Fund provider or existing Junior ISA provider on your behalf to arrange the transfer.

Transfer in from another provider

How to transfer a stocks and shares Junior ISA into an NS&I Junior ISA

Before you apply to transfer, please have the details of your existing Junior ISA provider to hand, including the account number.

Log in at using your NS&I number and password. Click the Transfer in from another provider link in your Junior ISA panel on your homepage and follow the on-screen instructions.

Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll contact your existing provider on your behalf to arrange the transfer.

How to transfer maturing Children’s Bonds to an NS&I Junior ISA

If your child has maturing Children’s Bonds and you want to transfer the money to a Junior ISA, simply download and complete the transfer authority and cash in forms and send them back to us.

Transfer authority form

Cash in form for Under 16s

Cash in form for 16 and over

We’ll send you a letter to confirm we’ve received your instructions. Once we receive payment from your provider, we’ll open the Junior ISA and move the money from your matured Children’s Bonds into your Junior ISA.